indoor programs

Unify your organization as strategic problem-solvers with engaging programs focused on creativity, innovation, and communication. Our indoor learning programs are designed to add an insightful session to your next offsite, bring an experiential element to our workshops, provide a fun way build connection, and more. These indoor experiences are curated to deliver an impact and facilitated to make illuminating connections between content and practical application. Outdoor options and Organization Simulations also available.

big picture

Used by top business programs like Yale School of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Tuck School of Business (Dartmouth), Carnegie-Mellon, and more the Big Picture simulation opens participants’ perceptions and demonstrates the need for strategic and operational alignment among functional areas. Big Picture addresses collaboration across teams, the roles of leadership and vision, and the importance of adaptable thinking to meet changing customer expectations and markets.

In a few hours — four simulated quarters — the Big Picture simulation engages a group to design, paint, color and assemble a mural. The goal is to enlarge pieces of a picture into a wall-sized mural that meets customer requirements. Participants are divided into regional groups representing production work teams, a multi-level management team and exacting customers.

Ideal for groups of 10 or more

  • Big Picture is available as a kit to enhance your next self-facilitated sessions. Used by many of the worlds leading organizations and business schools, we can provide you with everything you need to lead your own session — including all materials, a facilitator’s guide, and a train-the-trainer call with one of our facilitators.

  • Big Picture comes in four group sizes based on the number of work teams.

    6 Group: 10-20 people

    9 Group: 20-30 people

    12 Group: 30-45 people

    16 Group: 45-60 people

    Large group? No problem! We can facilitate simultaneous sessions to accommodate large group sizes.

reach for the summit

Benefit from the powerful, shared experience of climbing the Southern Alps from the comfort of your conference room. In this interactive, video-based mountain climb, teams progress by setting guiding principles, managing a budget, making decisions under a limited time frame, and ensuring the personal success and safety of all members. 

As teams advance through the different stages of their climb, they’ll face daunting challenges, navigate high-risk scenarios, and attempt to balance their team goals with the resilience of each individual team member. Reach for the Summit is comprised of 3 phases; Set-Up, Base Camp, and Summit that can be delivered in a single session or over multiple sessions.

Ideal for teams of any size

  • Teams are introduced to the activity and guided through a process to define their Guiding Principles, Decision-Making Process, Goal, and Definition of Success.

  • Climbing teams begin in Mt. Cook Village and must choose how they will make it from the Village to Base Camp.

  • Climb teams begin at Base Camp and will make decisions in pursuit of reaching the highest peak possible.


Multiple teams will compete in a challenge to complete as many intellectual, creative, spatial, and verbal puzzles as possible within the given time-frame. Participants will be presented with a box containing a series of scored challenges and will work in teams to earn points.

Teams are given more tasks than are possible to complete within the allotted time, so the winner is the team that can strategize and prioritize most effectively. After a short planning phase to formulate their internal process, teams will be put to the test as they attempt to maximize points and be the winning team. An Organizational goal can also be included, requiring collaboration and planning between and across team boundaries.

Ideal for teams of any size

team escape

Team Escape provides a portable and facilitated version of the popular ‘escape rooms’ with a focus on driving team performance in a high-pressure, time-constrained environment. Without leaving your office or conference meeting space, transport your team to a world of double-agents and lost explorers. Our portable escape room experience provides the same challenges as the traditional rooms, but with an increased focus on your team’s process, communication, and strategy.

Your team will be provided with planning time to outline their approach; from leadership to data sharing to communication. Your time ‘in the room’ will be marked by two activity phases, punctuated by a facilitated mid-point process break. The activity concludes with a final debrief to draw out the key take-aways.

Ideal for teams of up to 25

life cycles

Bring your team’s values to life! Increase the value you provide your customers by building your team’s ability to connect with the broader goals and values you all share. Life Cycles is an exceptional workshop that reinforces business and organizational skills through practical philanthropic activity.

Through the “LifeCycle” of creating something valuable and passing it on, your team experiences firsthand the influence of their actions, integrity, attention to detail, and intention on their work. A series of experiential activities culminates in building bicycles that will then be donated to “customers”, children from underserved communities who will be receiving their first bike.

Ideal for teams of any size

virtual learning adventures

Delivered in partnership with Peak Teams Global, Virtual Learning Adventures (VLA) provide powerful shared experiences, 
improve learning outcomes and deliver accelerated results.

 Audiences are highly engaged as they watch authentic stories come to life 
on video. The visual nature of the learning experience engages peoples 
emotion. This allows participants to relate to the characters in the story, 
the challenges they face, and potential solutions.

Common ground and genuine psychological safety are created by using
 real life VLA's. It’s impossible to have any subject
 matter experts in the audience, regardless of role type, length of time 
in the business or seniority.

 The end result is an entire audience that feels like they’re in a safe 
place, are motivated to learn and are willing to work together to 
achieve their goals.

Ideal for teams of any size

  • A chronology of a team's attempt to cross 
Canada’s remote Baffin Island, in winter, on foot.

    Key focus areas include:
    - Managing client expectations
    - Balancing urgency with team well-being
    - Leading a diverse team to achieve success

  • Follows the career of big wave surfers who must manage
fear, deal with turbulence & perform when it counts.

    Key focus areas include:
    - Short term performance & long term sustainability
    - Developing the right mindset for turbulent waters
    - Collaboration & communication with Virtual Teams